2120 W. Mission Rd. Suite 240 Escondido, CA 92029
8:30-5 p.m.
9-3 p.m.
This is a download - Being an above average PDR tech requires you to be able to finish properly. The Deep Dings 101 video is sure to help give you insight about the process. From tips on tool usage, techniques and three very detailed deep ding removals, will assist your learning curve.
It’s all about keeping your dent clean as you go. This video shows how you can remove deep dings without jeopardizing the paint finish and becoming messy.
-This video will demonstrate exactly what tool tips to use as you go into the dent and finish..
-Using heat and how it helps assist your deep dent and why.
-About drilling. When to use the drill and properly seal your hole.
-Getting the pit out. It’s all about the finish. We show you the clean technique.
-Three lessons with commom deep dings you will see often.
DVD Time Length: 1 hour and 33 minutes.
Best videos I have seen
Myke Toledo
1991, Myke's step-dad introduced him to PDR. As Myke slowly became better, he kept at it. With no internet, forums or other PDR techs to compare, Myke pushed himself to get better at paintless dent removal. In 2001, Dent Time was created after Myke and his step father parted ways. His mother once told him when she was alive, "you must learn how to become a good follower before you can become a good leader."
In 2001 Dent Time was founded. With a combination of hard work, effort and determination anything can be achieved. As time went on, Myke opened up his forst commerce in 2006 selling other high PDR tools and products. Now offering his own professional produced pdr training videos. As time went on, Myke could tell PDR was much more than just a job. It was an ART!
2120 W. Mission Rd. Suite 240 Escondido, CA 92029
8:30-5 p.m.
9-3 p.m.